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Wifipumpkin3 + evilginx2 - Microsoft365 Captive Portal Login Attack

1.1.7phishkin3 proxies


A blackhat started implementing a type of attack using wifipumpkin3 + evilginx2 and raised this issue on the Wifipumpkin3 Community Discord. My response was yes, it is possible to merge these two tools and create an attack to gain access to user accounts that decide to connect to public WiFi. However, I avoided implementing this feature for two reasons:

1 - Implementing a reverse proxy from scratch when there are already several available and going through the same issues others have had is not very smart. 2 - The idea was to create something modular and let users code their .yaml files and parsers to bypass the validations that platforms put in place to mitigate this type of attack.

When I saw evilginx2 starting to do reason 2, I realized that I could just add support in wp3 and the reverse proxy would be the attacker’s choice (I did my part). So, I told the User (Blackhat) that I would implement support for executing external phishing, where WP3 would only act as an intermediary similar to the reverse proxy.


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Build a custom captiveflask portal like a boss

1.1.3captiveflask phishing



Wp3 release is out! this update will be an improvements and stable version 1.1.3 codenome: Yorixiriamori. now, we have a new version captiveflask, improves how to install modules and how create a custom captiveflask. In this blog post I’ll show you how to create a custom captiveflask portal using only html, css and js.

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Wifipumpkin3 release v 1.1.3




Wp3 release is out! this update will be an improvements and stable version 1.1.3 codenome: Yorixiriamori. now, we have a new version captiveflask, improves how to install modules and how create a custom captiveflask. In this blog post I’ll show you how to create a custom captiveflask portal using only html, css and js.

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Wifipumpkin3 release v 1.1.2




Yorixiriamori The god with his beautiful song, enchanted women and aroused envy and anger among men. The rebels got together and tried to kill him.

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Wifipumpkin3 release v 1.0.8




Jaci is the goddess daughter of Tupã. She is the great representative of the night and guardian of the moonlight. She is responsible for reproduction. Indigenous peoples say that she plants nostalgia in the hearts of hunters, so that they return to their wives and take care of their family.

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Wifipumpkin3 release v 1.0.5




God of Order - AKUANDUBA is a deity from the mythology of the Araras Indians, who inhabit the left bank of the Iriri River, in the state of Pará-Brazil. Akuanduba played his flute to bring order to the world, but one day, because of the disobedience of human beings, they were launched in water and the few survivors had to learn from scratch how to continue life.

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Wifipumpkin3 CLI - version 1.0.0



Wp3 is out! I am finally ready to publish first version of wifipumpkin3. This version is full python 3 and CLI (command line interface), but require as dependency Pyqt5 because a i reused many code and implementation of structure the WiFiPumpkin GUI.

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